
The Art of the Christian Tradition image database offers more than seven thousand images taken from street art, mosaics, frescoes, manuscripts, sculptures, architecture, and paintings. The image data are searchable by keyword, scripture reference, iconographic content, personal name, time period, and geographic location.
The ACT is developed for congregational and educational use. Worship leaders and teachers can easily find visual art resources related to the scripture readings for each Sunday in the church calendar. It is linked to the Revised Common Lectionary. Pairing ACT images with RCL biblical readings offers opportunities for worldwide ministry and personal reflection. ACT celebrates diversity in ethnicity, practice, and social location through interwoven aspects of Christian spirituality.
The ACT image database represents the continuum of the practice of Christianity from the 1st century A.D. to the present, with a broad spectrum of biblical interpretation in various art mediums. This exhibit presents six themes that illustrate the strengths and richness of the collection. In addition, the images are linked to the ACT website for viewing more details. The slideshow in the exhibit is an example of the hundreds of slideshows now available on the RCL website. Most of the images in this exhibit are freely available with an attribution requirement. Visit the ACT website for detailed copyright permissions.
This online exhibit is curated by Anne Richardson and Charlotte Lew with technical assistance from Carla Beals and Jodie Gambill.