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Le terze rime di Dante

Alighieri, Dante. Le terze rime di Dante. [2nd issue]. Venetiis : In aedibus Aldi accuratissime, mense augusti M. DII (1502).

The Aldine Press was started by Aldus Manutius in Venice in 1494 to preserve classical literature in the Ancient Greek, Latin, and Italian languages. This volume is an Aldine first edition, second printing of Dante’s Divine Comedy from 1502. The first eight pages are handwritten by one of the early owners inscribed in the opening page of the book. The Aldine Press printer device can be seen on the colophon page with the date 1502 in roman numerals.

Le terze rime di Dante, Canto III part 1
Le terze rime di Dante, Canto III part 2