[Observer Staff Photograph]
The Fraternities of Vanderbilt
This spread from the 1907 edition of the Vanderbilt Comet shows the staff of the Observer, along with a simple title page. The Observer was a literary publication created by the school's two main literary societies, the Dialectic and the Philosophic. It included poetry, essays and cartoons and sought to "observe" features and happenings of the school. Cartoons and poems were often rude or mocking, but equal space was given to entirely serious essays and artistic creations. The observer was simply meant to mirror the school, publishing a record of how they felt it truly was. This gave one more way for the students to make their voice heard. Pictured here are Editor-in-Chief Neil P. Cullom, Business Manager A.T. Howard, and staff members S.C. Ewing, Paul B. Kern, Hamilton Douglas, Robert S. Henry, Morland Whaling, Marvin Steele, and Allan F. Odell.
Comet, Vanderbilt University Archives