Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress held at Philadelphia, September 5, 1774

United States. Continental Congress
Philadelphia: printed by William and Thomas Bradford
September 5, 1774
Vanderbilt University Special Collections
The efforts for independence in the American colonies were tied to the production of paper that was used for pamphlets, newspapers, writing paper, and for printing books such as this congressional journal. George Washington, John Adams, and Patrick Henry were present for these historic proceedings. The title page has imprinted on it a circle with twelve hands holding up Magna Carta. The Latin inscription translates to “We hold this [Magna Carta] as precedent.” The Magna Carta of 1215 is the basis of constitutional law and liberties in Great Britain and the United States.
A gift of Irene and Ridley Wills, II this journal was added as the 2nd millionth volume in the Vanderbilt Libraries in 1992.