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The Cadet: A Monthly Magazine Published at the University of Nashville (vol 1) 1871

The Cadet: A Monthly Magazine Published at the University of Nashville(vol 1) 1871
1871 - 1872
George Peabody College Photograph Collection, Vanderbilt University Archives

The Cadet was a student-run magazine from the University of Nashville with the goal of “promoting learning and a love for literature” in addition to peaking interest in its readers. The 32-page magazine was issued monthly between April and June 1871 and again in 1872, and within the pages, one will find poetry parodies, personal accounts of adventures, and scholarly historical analyses. The May issue includes a story illustrated with woodcuts of steamer trunks and umbrellas, animals, wagons and railroads, including an upside-down image of a railroad, illustrating page 43’s imaginary train wreck. Each image would have been printed from a wood block designed or purchased by the printer, Charles LeRoi. This personal copy was annotated by one of the editors pictured in the exhibit, Erwin Craighead.


The Cadet: A Monthly Magazine Published at the University of Nashville(vol 1) 1871 The Cadet Volume 1The Cadet Volume 1

The Cadet: A Monthly Magazine Published at the University of Nashville(vol 1) 1871The Cadet: A Monthly Magazine Published at the University of Nashville(vol 1) 1871The Cadet: A Monthly Magazine Published at the University of Nashville(vol 1) 1871The Cadet: A Monthly Magazine Published at the University of Nashville(vol 1) 1871